China Starter – Spring Rolls

We decided to coincide our cooking this time with Chinese New Year, so we started with spring rolls. According to China Highlights, they are typically eaten at New Year and symbolise wealth. We loved how quick and easy these were to make!

For our spring rolls we used a recipe from Steamy Kitchen. The website even included a video of the wrapping technique which was very handy! We purchased the spring roll pastry sheets from a local Chinese supermarket and these should be widely available near you too. Ours were filled with spring onions, shiitake mushrooms, carrots and beansprouts, but you can fill yours with whatever you like!

The filling was very simple to prepare. Simply chop or grate the vegetables that you want to have in the rolls, stir fry them in soy sauce, sesame oil and any other seasoning you want to add. Once it’s been stir fried, just lay it out onto a baking tray to cool down a little before you start rolling!

With the square spring roll sheets, lay one out like a diamond in front of you and add a tablespoon of filling to the bottom corner. From here you can simply roll it up tightly until you reach the next corners. Fold in these second corners to the centre, remembering to keep the roll tight.

Once the spring roll looks a little like an open envelope, use a bit of a cornflour and water mixture to act as a glue before finishing the roll.

Then it’s time to fry! We used a deep frying pan with sunflower oil to fry them off for around 3-4 minutes, flipping them over halfway through.

They turned a beautiful golden brown colour, so we knew it was time to dig in!

As expected, these were crispy and delicious! The perfect snack and starter to our Chinese feast.

Let us know on our social media if you gave these a go, or if you have your own spring roll recipe to share with us!

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